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Finding Harmony: How Music Can Aid in Addiction Recovery

Finding Harmony: How Music Can Aid in Addiction Recovery

Recovery can be a long, bumpy road filled with difficult moments. The good news is, there are many tools available to help us along the way – one of which is music. Listening to music can be a powerful tool in addiction recovery. It has the ability to activate positive emotions, memories, and feelings of well-being. Creating music can be an effective form of addiction recovery therapy as well, because it engages both the mind and body in a positive and constructive way. Let’s explore how listening to and playing music can aid in addiction recovery and be an important part of living a sober lifestyle.
  • Music serves as a positive diversion. Playing music can help to redirect the mind away from cravings or negative thoughts. This helps to foster a healthy and positive frame of mind for the individual in recovery.
  • Enhances mood and motivation. Listening to upbeat music can boost mood and motivation. This can shift the mood of the individual in recovery who is struggling with feelings of low self-esteem.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety. Playing or listening to music can be a form of meditation, providing a sense of relaxation. This can be particularly helpful for individuals in recovery who may struggle with anxiety or stress.
  • Provides a healthy outlet. Many people in recovery are seeking to find healthy ways to cope with their emotions. Music can provide a healthy outlet for self-expression. Playing music also provides a sense of accomplishment, especially when making music in a group setting.
  • Boosts cognitive function. Research shows learning to play music requires attention, concentration, and memory. All are known to improve cognitive brain function. This can be particularly helpful for individuals in recovery who may be experiencing cognitive deficits due to substance use.
  • Builds a sense of community. Music brings people together and builds a sense of community. This is crucial for individuals in recovery who may feel isolated or disconnected.
In summary, music provides an outlet for emotions, memories, and experiences in a safe and healthy way. This can be extremely helpful in addiction recovery. If you or someone you know is working a recovery program, please consider using music as a tool to build a successful sober lifestyle. If you are in the Denver metro area, check out the Recovery Out LOUD! program offered through Hazelbrook Community Center. Classes are free for anyone in recovery. No prior music knowledge or experience required. Visit our website to register or give us a call today.