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Hazelbrook Community Center Colorado

Hazelbrook’s Transitional Safety Zone Program Solves Problem with the System

Hazelbrook’s Transitional Safety Zone Program Solves Problem with the System

Hazelbrook’s Transitional Safety Zone Program Solves Problem with the System

Transitional Safety Zone Program

Hazelbrook Sober Living was started when the Executive Director, Geno Shvedov experienced firsthand how broken the system was in regards to addiction recovery. Fast forward several years, and he saw another gap in the system. People needed a safe place to clean out their bodies before being approved to enter a sober living home. Hazelbrook moved into action to fill this gap. The desire to help resulted in the creation of the Transitional Safety Zone (TSZ) Homes. TSZ is a unique program offering individuals transitioning off of drugs and alcohol a safe and supervised residence to support them in this first step of recovery.

Identifying a Need

The first step in the recovery process is detox. Whatever the drug of choice, a person seeking recovery must go through the process of eliminating the chemicals from their system. Depending on the substance, this process can take anywhere from three days to several months. Most detox treatment programs range from only 3-5 days.

The next step is moving into a sober living facility; an environment offering stability, services, and accountability to successfully walk out of recovery. A mandatory requirement of a sober living home is to test clean from all drugs and alcohol.

Coming out of detox treatment programs, many people are not able to meet the sobriety requirement for sober living homes. This forces them to either return to the streets or to the environment where they were using before; not giving them the support and resources they need to progress forward into successful recovery.

Creating a Healthy Place to Stay

In working with the Colorado Department of Corrections and WAGEES, Hazelbrook developed Transitional Safety Zone (TSZ) homes. This revolutionary system allows individuals in this first stage of recovery a safe, supervised place to clean out their system. This is a well-equipped sober living home with 24/7 management, offering them love and support until they are fully detoxed and ready to move on to the next stage of their recovery.

The services offered in these homes include:

● Peer Recovery Support
● Case Management
● Programs for symptom relief
● Counseling Services
● Relapse Prevention Group


Since this program started with the initial pilot program in November of 2021, we have served over 400 people. Of the TSZ graduates, many have gone on to become residents in good standing, peer counselors, and house managers, and have fulfilled other leadership roles in the Hazelbrook organizations.

We are proud to offer these revolutionary transitional houses as part of the Hazelbrook commitment to being the gold standard in the field of recovery.

Join Us in the Battle

Offering services for individuals going through detox puts us on the front line in this battle against drug and alcohol addiction. We are saving lives; which creates a positive ripple effect in the family and communities of each person we help. We would love to give you the opportunity to join us in this battle.

Come join us in the battle.

You can donate financially, or choose from our house gift lists. There is no gift too small to help these individuals who want to help themselves.

TSZ Men’s Registryhttps://www.walmart.com/registry/ER/6191342e-abf0-4a05-94a8-c24f4c5722e1

TSZ Women’s Registryhttps://www.walmart.com/registry/ER/b156fec0-092d-41ec-b9bf-289420a4ddb9

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