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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Real Sober Fight Club – Unleashing the Beast Within to Crush Addiction with Sober Boxing

Addiction is a relentless beast that chases after you, leaving you feeling trapped and helpless. But guess what? It’s time to fight back with an unconventional weapon: sober boxing. This ain’t your typical therapy session, my friend. We’re talking about strapping on those gloves, stepping into the ring, and unleashing your inner beast.

Real Sober Fight Club is Hazelbrook’s answer to the need for a mental and physical challenge. It also allows the members a way to blow off steam, and be a part of something bigger than themselves.

This club was created when some of the guys at one of our sober living homes started to spar…but didn’t have the training to do it safely. That is when professional MMA fighters Geno Shvedov and Celine Haga jumped in to offer their expertise.

This group started meeting twice a week in April 2023 to learn proper boxing technique, improve their physical fitness, and enjoy the benefits of community.

“Boxing is a great way to get in shape, attending these groups gives you an opportunity to learn basic boxing, get in shape- work on your self discipline and perseverance. However it gets really exciting when you have a goal you are aiming towards- and that's why we will give them the opportunity to ‘fight’ in our events! - this can be a gateway to maybe competing at the regional scene later on as well!” said Haga.

To offer the additional fun of training for a fight, there are plans for monthly “Main Events” to start up in the Fall of 2023. It will be open to those bad asses who have put in the time consistently training at our weekly practices. {Sign up for our newsletter to be invited to the Main Events.} It will be a card of fighters to participate in point sparring matches. The events will be open to friends and family to come out and cheer on your favorite fighter! Our boxers have their eye on the prize!

If this sounds interesting, but you have some questions or excuses, let me help you out. It is almost an even mixture of males and females of all ages. No previous experience is required. The training is done in a controlled class atmosphere with safety top of mind.

Top 6 Benefits of Boxing for Addiction Recovery

If that isn’t enough to convince you to come check it out, here are the top 6 benefits of boxing for addiction recovery:

  1. Get Ripped and Ready: Boxing will improve your physical fitness. Sweat it out with a combination of shadowboxing, bag work, and conditioning drills. Pump up that cardio, build strength, endurance, and coordination like a champ.
  2. Beat Stress to a Pulp: Boxing is the ultimate stress-buster. Unleash your energy, focus your mind, and leave anxiety and frustration in the ring. The rush of endorphins will lift your spirits and help you conquer cravings and withdrawals.
  3. Control Your Emotions: In boxing, discipline is key. Learn to regulate your emotions, master self-control, and channel your aggression in a controlled environment. Release pent-up anger and negative feelings, turning them into positive energy for recovery.
  4. Confidence in Your Corner: As you progress in your boxing journey, you’ll witness your own transformation. With newfound skills and physical improvements, your self-confidence will soar. The discipline, perseverance, and dedication required in boxing will spill over into your recovery, giving you the edge you need.
  5. A Community of Boxing Brothers/Sisters: Joining Hazelbrook’s Real Sober Fight Club means becoming part of a tight-knit community. Find support, motivation, and like-minded individuals who share your drive. Together, you’ll overcome isolation and build a network that understands the struggle.
  6. Focus, Set, Achieve: Boxing demands laser focus. Set goals, work hard, and watch yourself succeed. The mental toughness you develop in the ring will extend to all areas of your life. Stay motivated, stay determined, and stay on the path to recovery.

Now you understand how boxing can become your secret weapon to conquer addiction. So it’s time to jump in the ring. Check out Hazelbrook’s Real Sober Fight Club. We work together to hone our skills, get in shape, and sharpen the unwavering determination that boxing requires.

This program is open to ANYONE who is active in a recovery program. It is free of charge. So come down and try a class. Tap into your fighting spirit. It’s time to lace up and throw down for your ultimate victory in the battle against addiction. Let’s do this!

Friday 6:30-7:30 PM
Sunday 1:30-2:30 PM

Hazelbrook Community Center – Paradigm One
16736 E Iliff Ave
Aurora, CO 80013

  • reply
    July 31, 2023

    I live in Pueblo

    • reply
      Hazelbrook Community
      August 1, 2023

      If you ever find yourself up in the Denver metro area, you are welcome to join us!